[Syria] Idlib Interim - Challenging life in the village of Koree
Mohammad, operator of the recently established Wi-Fi network covering Koreen, climbs up a transmission mast on a rooftop. It is the first time the village gets access to the world wide web at all. In the meantime another operater has set up a second network. Economic competition in times of uncertainty.
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Idlib Interim - Challenging life without central government in the village of Koreen (Idlib Province, Syria)
Koreen joint the syrian uprisung to ouster president Bashar al-Assad at a very early stage in 2011. It has been scene of Army attacks and heavy shelling since 2012. In the course of the fightings the village of a few thousend inhabitants was almost abandoned as barrel bomb campaings commited by the regime pounded Koreen. But since regime forces retreated to few bases remaining in Idlib province people returned home to establish a new udn almost unregulated economic, social and community life. The regimes power has no affect anymore on them - a new government is not established yet and not in sight at all. Koreen is free to make its way.
- Filename
- 20140729_tv_172.JPG
- Copyright
- timo vogt
- Image Size
- 5616x3744 / 6.0MB
Syria Syrien krieg war civil war bürgerkrieg kurin kourine courine koreen idlib idleb province village dorf daily life alltag peace frieden life leben www internet tv satellite satellit antenne antenna world wide web online roof-top dach kommunikation communication post mast transmission tower sendemast wi-fi operator betreiber economy wirtschaft